Some neuralnet tools for lazy boys and girls (alpha version)

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Documentation for package ‘lazy.nntools’ version 0.0.1

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data_1_2 Simulated data frame 1
data_2_3 Simulated data frame 2
drss_nn_a Calculation of the Derivatives of Residual Sum of Squares w.r.t. unlist(W)
drss_nn_aJ Calculation of the Derivatives of Residual Sum of Squares w.r.t. unlist(W) using 'Jac_nn_a'.
ExamplesOfnn Examples of nntools package
getW_from_neuralnet Conversion of the neuralnet package output to the list of W matrices
initialize_nn Initialization of Neuralnet Storages
Jac_nn_a Calculation of the Jacobian Matrix: d c(Yhat) / d unlist(W)
Jac_nn_a2 Calculation of the Jacobian Matrix: - d c(Yhat) / d unlist(W)
lazy.nntools lazynntools: Some neuralnet tools for lazy boys and girls (Alpha Version)
on Calculation of the Output of the Last Layer
output Calculation of the Output of Each Layer
plot_nn Plot the Result
reshapeW Recovery of the List of W matrices from unlist(W)
rss_nn Calculation of the Residual Sum of Squares w.r.t. unlist(W)
summary_nn Calculation of the Summary
yhatmy_nn Calculation of the residuals as yhat-y
ymyhat_nn Calculation of the residuals as y-yhat