A B C D E F G I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y misc
add_paren | Add Enclosing Parentheses |
analyze_three_dots | Analyze Three Dots and Return the Names and the Values |
And | Combine string arguments by a logical infix operator |
brk2midp | Define Midpoints from Break Points |
cards | Convert a string to matrix For those who miss the luxury of using spaces as delimitters. |
cchar | Starting and Ending Columns of Each Character in a Text File |
ceiling_n | Return the Ceiling and Power of the Input using Radix (Base) of n |
char2num | Convert a Character Vector to a List of Numeric Vectors or vice versa via raw expression. |
check_partial_match | Check if the Partial Match is correct. |
comb | Generate all combinations of n elements taken m at a time. |
comments | Comment out multiple lines |
complex_index | Find the Complexity Index of a 0-1 String Definded as the Number of Switches from "01" to "10" to Make It Simple. |
compress_freqdist | Compress Frequency Distribution by Aggregating Duplicate Entries |
convert | Convert the columns of a data frame to a specific type/class. |
cprod | Cartesian product of many vectors and matrices |
cumsuminv | Inverse of Cummurative Sum |
decp | Returns the (approximate) # of Digits on the Both Sides of the Decimal Point |
demomat | Set up a matrix whose elements consist of row and col numbers. |
design_expand | Dummy Expantion of a Vector |
distancew | Calculation of Weighted Distance Matrices |
distancew0 | Calculation of Weighted Distance Matrix |
distrectw | Calculation of Weighted Distance Matrix between the rows of F and A |
dummy_compress | Compress the Dummmy Expanded Categorical Data |
dummy_expand | Dummmy Expantion of Categorical Data |
eq | Observed Score Equating |
etime | Elapsed Time |
Exists | Check If the Objects Listed Exist in the Parent Frame |
expand.grid1 | expand.grid with rev and colnames option |
expand_freqdist | Expand Frequency Distribution to Raw Data |
find_calling_functions | Find Calling Functions |
find_functions | Find Functions used in a Function or Functions in a List of Function Names |
freqc | Frequency Distribution of Many Discrete Variables |
freqdist | Frequency distribution of multivariate numeric data with case weight |
freqdist1 | Frequency distribution of univariate numeric data with case weight |
from_named_list | Retrieve Objects from a Named List |
fuzz | Print an Object with Print function with fuzz= option |
gen01pat | Generate all possible 0-1 patterns of given length, or binary partition index matrix |
generate_AndOr | Generation of character infix operators: '&', '&&', '|', '||' |
generate_zenkaku_sets | Generate Zenkaku Character Sets: |
gen_midp | Generate n Equally Spaced Midpoints in [min,max] |
gen_test_score | Generating Test Score Distribution |
gen_test_score_CTT | Generating Test Score Distribution according to Classical Test Theory |
get_range | Convert levels, starting locations, or ending locations to range matrix |
get_val | Get Values from an Array |
get_valL | Get Values from a List Consisting of Data Frames |
get_valLL | Retrieve the Elements Contained in the Lists in a List |
graph2pdf | Output the Graphics to PDF Device |
Grep | Use Friendly Grep/Gsub |
interpol | Interpolation of data |
iotable | Inside-Out table |
is.DBCS | Checks if the Characters in a String are Multi Byte Characters. |
is.MBCS | Checks if the Characters in a String are Multi Byte Characters. |
is.number | Check if a string vector contains numbers only. |
is.varname | Check if the argument is a valid variable name |
jfreq | Joint Frequency Distribution of Discrete Variables |
keepdrop | Keep or Drop the variables in the data frame |
lazy.tools | lazy.tools: Collection of useful tools for lazy boys and girls |
locbalpar | Return the locations of the matching parentheses in a string. |
locbalpar2 | Return the locations of the matching parentheses |
locbalq | Find the Location of the Quote to the Right or Left of the One at loc. |
loceq | Returns the locations of the elements of the first argument whose values are equal to one of the elements in the second argument |
logistic | logistic function with D=1.7 |
logistic1 | logistic function with D and minimum value |
logit | logit function with D=1.7 |
logit1 | logit function with D and minimum value |
lv | Retruns the Last Value |
makeStack | Preparation of Stack |
mandd | Calculates mean vector and dispersion matrix with case weight |
mands | Calculates mean, std, variance and n with case weight |
merge2 | Merge two data frames and return the result with the contribution indices |
merge_df | Horizontally Stack Data Frames with Different # of Observations |
merge_tables | Merge Tables or Frequency Distributions of the form (score, freq) |
midp2brk | Define Break Points from Midpoints |
named_list | Create a named list |
nbyte | Returns the number of bytes used to represent each character in each of the string. |
nchar2 | Count the number of characters using bytes, not characters, as the unit. |
new_name | Rename the elements of the input by the new set of names given in the table n2o or by the consecutive numbers. |
normalize_config | Normalize Configuration Matrix |
Not | Combine string arguments by a logical infix operator |
num2char | Convert a Character Vector to a List of Numeric Vectors or vice versa via raw expression. |
Or | Combine string arguments by a logical infix operator |
order2 | Returns a permutation which rearranges its first argument in the order specified by the second argument. |
package_description | Display Package Description |
package_info | Creates html files from the help files of an R package |
perm | Generate all m-permutations of n without repetition |
plot_freqdist | Plot Univariate Tables or Frequency Distributions of the form (score, freq) |
plot_interval | Plot Horizontal Line on top of Density Plot |
pplot | Profile Plot |
pref2dist | Convert Japanese Prefecture to District |
princ | Principal Component Analysis of Y with possible missing elements |
Print arguments with their names and formats | |
Printb | Print Super Matrix ( Partitioned Matrix, Block Matrix ) with Separators. |
printb | Print Super Matrix ( Partitioned Matrix, Block Matrix ) with Separators. |
Printm | Print multiple objects together with their names Compact and better version |
printm | Print multiple objects together with their names Compact and better version |
put_val<- | Get Values from an Array |
put_valL<- | Get Values from a List Consisting of Data Frames |
Quantile | Calculation of sample quantiles by interpolating sample cumulative distribution function. |
radarchart | Radar Chart |
ReadLines | Read Lines or Wite Lines with or without Encoding Option |
recode | Recode the Values of obj from "from" to "to". |
reflect_fa | Reflect the signs of the columns of the factor pattern matrix so that the number of positive loadings is larger than the negative ones. |
remove_paren | Remove Redundant Parentheses (very very primitive version) |
reorder_fa | Reorder the rows and columns of factor pattern matrix |
replacec | Replace Characters by New Ones |
revchar | Reverse string |
revstr | Reverse string |
rmv | Remove Objects If They Exists in the Parent Frame |
Seq | Smart Sequence Generation |
smoothra | Running Average Smooth |
sortit | Sort an Object according to the Keys |
sort_missing_data | Sort Matrix/Data Frame According to the Pattern of Missing Elements |
stack_df | Vertically Stack Data Frames / Matrices with Different Sets of Variables |
standard | Column standardization of a data frame, matrix, or vector |
str_olay | Overlay strings |
substr2 | Substring Using Column Location as the Unit. |
substrDBCS | Substr Using Column Location as the Unit. |
table2freqdist | Convert an output of table or xtabs to a simple frequency table format |
testregex | Remove Brackets and Double \s from R type Regular Expression |
trim | trim leading and trailing blanks |
Unique | Find unique values of a vector or unique rows of a matrix and their location |
varlist | Interprete sas-like abbreviated variable list |
vartype | Find the mode/typeof of the columns of data |
was | Displays the attribuets and the structure of the input. |
wquantile | Weighted Quantile |
WriteLines | Read Lines or Wite Lines with or without Encoding Option |
yearJAD | Conversion between Japanese Era and AD |
%&% | Combine string arguments by a logical infix operator |
%&&% | Combine string arguments by a logical infix operator |
%//% | Mathematica like postfix function application |
%|% | Combine string arguments by a logical infix operator |
%||% | Combine string arguments by a logical infix operator |