Collection of tools for lazy boys and girls

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Documentation for package ‘’ version 0.1.6

Help Pages

A B C D E F G I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y misc

-- A --

add_paren Add Enclosing Parentheses
analyze_three_dots Analyze Three Dots and Return the Names and the Values
And Combine string arguments by a logical infix operator

-- B --

brk2midp Define Midpoints from Break Points

-- C --

cards Convert a string to matrix For those who miss the luxury of using spaces as delimitters.
cchar Starting and Ending Columns of Each Character in a Text File
ceiling_n Return the Ceiling and Power of the Input using Radix (Base) of n
char2num Convert a Character Vector to a List of Numeric Vectors or vice versa via raw expression.
check_partial_match Check if the Partial Match is correct.
comb Generate all combinations of n elements taken m at a time.
comments Comment out multiple lines
complex_index Find the Complexity Index of a 0-1 String Definded as the Number of Switches from "01" to "10" to Make It Simple.
compress_freqdist Compress Frequency Distribution by Aggregating Duplicate Entries
convert Convert the columns of a data frame to a specific type/class.
cprod Cartesian product of many vectors and matrices
cumsuminv Inverse of Cummurative Sum

-- D --

decp Returns the (approximate) # of Digits on the Both Sides of the Decimal Point
demomat Set up a matrix whose elements consist of row and col numbers.
design_expand Dummy Expantion of a Vector
distancew Calculation of Weighted Distance Matrices
distancew0 Calculation of Weighted Distance Matrix
distrectw Calculation of Weighted Distance Matrix between the rows of F and A
dummy_compress Compress the Dummmy Expanded Categorical Data
dummy_expand Dummmy Expantion of Categorical Data

-- E --

eq Observed Score Equating
etime Elapsed Time
Exists Check If the Objects Listed Exist in the Parent Frame
expand.grid1 expand.grid with rev and colnames option
expand_freqdist Expand Frequency Distribution to Raw Data

-- F --

find_calling_functions Find Calling Functions
find_functions Find Functions used in a Function or Functions in a List of Function Names
freqc Frequency Distribution of Many Discrete Variables
freqdist Frequency distribution of multivariate numeric data with case weight
freqdist1 Frequency distribution of univariate numeric data with case weight
from_named_list Retrieve Objects from a Named List
fuzz Print an Object with Print function with fuzz= option

-- G --

gen01pat Generate all possible 0-1 patterns of given length, or binary partition index matrix
generate_AndOr Generation of character infix operators: '&', '&&', '|', '||'
generate_zenkaku_sets Generate Zenkaku Character Sets:
gen_midp Generate n Equally Spaced Midpoints in [min,max]
gen_test_score Generating Test Score Distribution
gen_test_score_CTT Generating Test Score Distribution according to Classical Test Theory
get_range Convert levels, starting locations, or ending locations to range matrix
get_val Get Values from an Array
get_valL Get Values from a List Consisting of Data Frames
get_valLL Retrieve the Elements Contained in the Lists in a List
graph2pdf Output the Graphics to PDF Device
Grep Use Friendly Grep/Gsub

-- I --

interpol Interpolation of data
iotable Inside-Out table
is.DBCS Checks if the Characters in a String are Multi Byte Characters.
is.MBCS Checks if the Characters in a String are Multi Byte Characters.
is.number Check if a string vector contains numbers only.
is.varname Check if the argument is a valid variable name

-- J --

jfreq Joint Frequency Distribution of Discrete Variables

-- K --

keepdrop Keep or Drop the variables in the data frame

-- L -- Collection of useful tools for lazy boys and girls
locbalpar Return the locations of the matching parentheses in a string.
locbalpar2 Return the locations of the matching parentheses
locbalq Find the Location of the Quote to the Right or Left of the One at loc.
loceq Returns the locations of the elements of the first argument whose values are equal to one of the elements in the second argument
logistic logistic function with D=1.7
logistic1 logistic function with D and minimum value
logit logit function with D=1.7
logit1 logit function with D and minimum value
lv Retruns the Last Value

-- M --

makeStack Preparation of Stack
mandd Calculates mean vector and dispersion matrix with case weight
mands Calculates mean, std, variance and n with case weight
merge2 Merge two data frames and return the result with the contribution indices
merge_df Horizontally Stack Data Frames with Different # of Observations
merge_tables Merge Tables or Frequency Distributions of the form (score, freq)
midp2brk Define Break Points from Midpoints

-- N --

named_list Create a named list
nbyte Returns the number of bytes used to represent each character in each of the string.
nchar2 Count the number of characters using bytes, not characters, as the unit.
new_name Rename the elements of the input by the new set of names given in the table n2o or by the consecutive numbers.
normalize_config Normalize Configuration Matrix
Not Combine string arguments by a logical infix operator
num2char Convert a Character Vector to a List of Numeric Vectors or vice versa via raw expression.

-- O --

Or Combine string arguments by a logical infix operator
order2 Returns a permutation which rearranges its first argument in the order specified by the second argument.

-- P --

package_description Display Package Description
package_info Creates html files from the help files of an R package
perm Generate all m-permutations of n without repetition
plot_freqdist Plot Univariate Tables or Frequency Distributions of the form (score, freq)
plot_interval Plot Horizontal Line on top of Density Plot
pplot Profile Plot
pref2dist Convert Japanese Prefecture to District
princ Principal Component Analysis of Y with possible missing elements
Print Print arguments with their names and formats
Printb Print Super Matrix ( Partitioned Matrix, Block Matrix ) with Separators.
printb Print Super Matrix ( Partitioned Matrix, Block Matrix ) with Separators.
Printm Print multiple objects together with their names Compact and better version
printm Print multiple objects together with their names Compact and better version
put_val<- Get Values from an Array
put_valL<- Get Values from a List Consisting of Data Frames

-- Q --

Quantile Calculation of sample quantiles by interpolating sample cumulative distribution function.

-- R --

radarchart Radar Chart
ReadLines Read Lines or Wite Lines with or without Encoding Option
recode Recode the Values of obj from "from" to "to".
reflect_fa Reflect the signs of the columns of the factor pattern matrix so that the number of positive loadings is larger than the negative ones.
remove_paren Remove Redundant Parentheses (very very primitive version)
reorder_fa Reorder the rows and columns of factor pattern matrix
replacec Replace Characters by New Ones
revchar Reverse string
revstr Reverse string
rmv Remove Objects If They Exists in the Parent Frame

-- S --

Seq Smart Sequence Generation
smoothra Running Average Smooth
sortit Sort an Object according to the Keys
sort_missing_data Sort Matrix/Data Frame According to the Pattern of Missing Elements
stack_df Vertically Stack Data Frames / Matrices with Different Sets of Variables
standard Column standardization of a data frame, matrix, or vector
str_olay Overlay strings
substr2 Substring Using Column Location as the Unit.
substrDBCS Substr Using Column Location as the Unit.

-- T --

table2freqdist Convert an output of table or xtabs to a simple frequency table format
testregex Remove Brackets and Double \s from R type Regular Expression
trim trim leading and trailing blanks

-- U --

Unique Find unique values of a vector or unique rows of a matrix and their location

-- V --

varlist Interprete sas-like abbreviated variable list
vartype Find the mode/typeof of the columns of data

-- W --

was Displays the attribuets and the structure of the input.
wquantile Weighted Quantile
WriteLines Read Lines or Wite Lines with or without Encoding Option

-- Y --

yearJAD Conversion between Japanese Era and AD

-- misc --

%&% Combine string arguments by a logical infix operator
%&&% Combine string arguments by a logical infix operator
%//% Mathematica like postfix function application
%|% Combine string arguments by a logical infix operator
%||% Combine string arguments by a logical infix operator