char2num {} | R Documentation |
Convert a Character Vector to a List of Numeric Vectors or vice versa via raw expression.
Convert a Character Vector to a List of Numeric Vectors or vice versa via raw expression.
char |
a vector of strings |
num |
a list of numeric vectors or a numeric vector which can be converted to string via raw conversion. |
Since these functions can handle multi byte characters,
they can be used to store the strings with multi byte characters
as a list of numeric vectors.
The core part of these functions are:
char to num
num <- as.numeric( charToRaw(char) )
num to char
char <- rawToChar( as.raw( num ) )
The numbers and Raw expression are related as
num <- char2num( char ) ( hex <- as.hexmode( num ) ) print( as.raw(num) )
If char is a string ( a vector of length 1 ), num is a vector.
If char is a vector of strings, num is a list of length(char)
If num is a vector, char is a string.
If num is a list, char is a vector of strings of length(num)
# char is a string
( char <- "This is an example." )
( num <- char2num( char ) )
( is.numeric(num) )
( char2 <- num2char( num ) )
# char is a string vector
( char2 <- c("This is an example.", "2nd line") )
( num2 <- char2num( char2 ) )
( sapply( num2, is.numeric ) )
( char22 <- num2char( num2 ) )
# storing multi byte characters in a package: \cr
# See the description of 'generate_zenkaku_sets'.
{if( regexpr("utf8",Sys.getlocale (category = "LC_CTYPE")) > 0 )
nn <- c(87, 101, 32, 104, 97, 118, 101, 32, 228, 184, 141, 232, 184
, 176, 231, 159, 169, 32, 121, 101, 116, 33)
nn <- c(87, 101, 32, 104, 97, 118, 101, 32, 149, 115, 230, 250, 139
, 233, 32, 121, 101, 116, 33)}
( zz <- num2char(nn) )
( zzh <- as.hexmode(nn) )
[Package version 0.1.6 ]