Lazy Boy's R Packages for Psychometrics
Introduction to the Packages by help files.
Click here to see the help files.
Windows binary and Source files.
Packages "" and "lazy.mat" are required by the most of the packages below.
- Utility Tools (Print, cards, demomat, etc)
- Utility Tools (Old get_valLL)
- lazy.mat: Matrix Tools (matSwp, supermat, JacobianMat etc)
- lazy.symbolic: Symbolic Matric Operations
- lazy.symbolic2: Modified Infix (Binary) Operators +, -, *, %*%
Demo Program for lazy.symbolic2 package (jp)
Demo Program for lazy.symbolic2 package (en)
- lazy.stat: Statistial Tools (monotone reg, monotone spline, random numbers, etc)
- lazy.accel: Inline Acceleration Tools for numerical optimization
- lazy.sasef: Simulating SAS estimable functions
- lazy.cluster: Divisive Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
- lazy.mdpref: MDPREF programs
- lazy.mds: Multidimensional Scaling programs
- lazy.irt: IRT Tools
- lazy.girt: Generalized IRT Tools
- lazy.fa: Factor Analytic Tools
- lazy.procrustes: Extensive Collection of Procrustes Rotation programs
- lazy.nntools: Some Useful Tools for Learing Neural Network Models
- lazy.tree: Some Useful Tools for Learing Decision Tree Models (Must use with version 0.1.6 .)
- lazy.tree: Some Useful Tools for Learing Decision Tree Models (Must use with version 0.1.4 .)
- lazy.dnc: Some Useful Tools for DNC projects.
- lazy.utf8: UTF-8 Tools.
- lazy.andor: Modified Infix (Binary) Operators & and |.
- Use this for easy installation.
- lazy.mIRT:
Some useful Multidimensional IRT tools for lazy boys and girls
- lazy.Bayes:
Some useful Bayesian analysis tools for lazy boys and girls
- lazy.nn:
Some useful feed forward neural network tools for lazy boys and girls
- lazy.mle:
Some useful mle tools (beta, mixture beta, scored multinomial, etc)
for lazy boys and girls
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