DecTree {lazy.tree}R Documentation

Decision Tree


This function recursively divides the sets of observations into two subsets and create a decision tree.
Japanese help file: DecTree_JPH


  impfuncname = "gini",
  majestic = 0,
  method = 4,
  app = 0,
  maxapp = 12,
  maxncut = 50,
  switch = 0,
  eps = 0,
  minnobs = 1,
  maxdepth = 10,
  maxdivide = 500,
  minp = 1e-04,
  nrepM = 50,
  psampleM = 100,
  rf = 0,
  nxvarM = if (!is.null(y) && !is.factor(y)) max(floor(ncol(X)/3), 1) else
  .R.sM = NULL,
  minLeftM = 0.5,
  maxRightM = 0.5,
  minnobsM = 10,
  title = "",
  print = 1,
  plot = 0,
  debug = 0



The criterion variable (as vector)


The regressor matrix (as data frame)


The name of impurity function name.


= 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 to create a in-node resampling tree
= -1 to create simple in-node resampling tree. When majestic > 0, set seed prior to the run so that the result can be reproduced.


Treatment of the categorical regressor variable.
= 0 to dummy expand the categorical regressor,
= 1 to use the first canonical variable,
= 2 to use up to the 2nd canonical variables and their sum and difference
= 3 to use one-versus-rest dichotomization.
= 4 to use dichotomization of the criterion variable on the basis of all possible bipartitions of the levels of the criterion variable.


= 1 or 9 to use all possible partitions of categorical regressor levels.
app=9 always uses all possible partitions regardless of ncaty.


Maximum # of categories to use app. This will be used as the max # of categories of criterion when method=4 is used.


Maximum # of cut point (threshold) candidates.


The minimum improvement of impurity measure.


The minimum # of observations in a node.


The maximum depth of a tree.


The maximum # of divisions.


minimum value of multinomial probability


# of divisions to try for majestic tree


percentage of the sample for majestic tree


= 1 to sample regressor variables (Random Forest)


# of variables to sample for majestic tree (Random Forest)


random number seed for majestic tree obtained as:
.R.sM=get(".Random.seed", envir=globalenv() )
in the previous run of this module.


minimum proportion of x values to be classified as Left


maximum proportion of x values to be classified as Right


minimum # of obs in a node to use majestic


The title string


= 1 to print the result, = 2 to print the history = 3 to print the history in detail.


= 1 to plot the tree.


= 1 to print intermediate result


Input Variables:
The criterion variable y must be a numeric vector or a factor. The regressor variable X must be a data frame with numeric or factor variables.

Division Details

A Greedy Algorithm with Depth-First Search (DFS) is used to find a tree.

For continuous regressor, all the unique values of it will be used as the candidate for the threshold.

Treatment of categorical regressor variables:
When app=0:
The categorical regressor with the # of levels greater than 2 will be quantified according to method.

Regardless of the method, if the criterion is continuous or the # of levels of the criterion is equal to two, the conditional mean of the criterion given the level of regressor will be used as the quantified regressor.
(The # of quantified regressor = 1.)

If method=0 and if the # of levels of the criterion is greater than 2, a categorical regressor will be dummy expanded and the resulting dummy variables will be used as the quantified regressor variables. (The # of quantified regressor = # of levels of the regressor)

If method=1 When the # of levels of the criterion is greater than 2, the first canonical variable of the canonical discriminant analysis of the criterion on the dummy expanded regressor will be used.
(The # of quantified regressor = 1.)

If method=2, in addition to the above, the 2nd canonical variable, if exists, and the sum and difference of those two canonical variables will be added as the quantified regressors.
(The # of quantified regressors = 4 or 1.)

If method=3, the one-versus-rest dichotomization of the criterion variable is used and the conditional means will be used as the quantified regressors. If any of the resulting quantified variables has zero variance or duplicated, the redundant quantified variables will be removed.
(The # of quantified regressors = 4 or 1 + # of levels of the criterion or less.)

If method=4, all possible bipartitions of the levels of the criterion is used for the dichotomization and the conditional means will be used as the quantified regressors.
If any of the resulting quantified variables has zero variance or duplicated, the redundant quantified variables will be removed.
(The # of quantified regressors = 2^nc-1-1 or less where nc is the # of levels of the criterion variable.)
This seems to be the best option when the # of levels of the criterion is not so large ( <= 10 or so. ) and the # of levels of the regressor is very large.

When app=1:
If the levels of the criterion is greater than 2 and the levels of the regressor is greater than 2, all possible partitions of size 2 will be tried.

When app=9:
Regardless the # of levels of the categorical variables app will be used for the categorical regressors.

Stopping rule:
1) Relative improvement of the impurity measure due to a division is less than or equal to eps
2) # of observations in a node is less than or equal to minnobs.
3) # of observations in either subset becomes 0 after division.
4) Maximum # of division is greater than maxdivide.
5) Maximum depth of the tree reached maxdepth.

Requires igraph package to draw a tree.


A class DecTree object containing a list of the following:

n: # of observations
ncaty: # of levels of y (0 means contimuous.)
levelsy: levels of y if y is categorical, or NULL
yname: the name of the criterion variable
yname2: the name of the actual y argument
nx: # of predictor variables
ncatx: # of levels of X (0 means contimuous.)
levelsX: levels of the regressor categorical variable, or NULL
xname: the names of predictor variables
xname2; the name of the actual X argument
impfuncname: the name of impurity function
nleaf: # of leaves
MaxDepth: The maximum depth of the tree
.R.s: .Random.seed vector
    Use this to reproduce the majestic tree.
RNGkindM, .R.sM: random number seed info

node: A list of node information where node[[r]]  contains:
 node[[r]]$parent   The parent of the r-th node.
 node[[r]]$set      The set of observations in the r-th node.
 node[[r]]$nobs     # of observations in the r-th node.
 node[[r]]$j        The variable to be used to divide the r-th  node.
 node[[r]]$k     *  The quantified variable number to be used.
 node[[r]]$th    *  The value of the threshold or NA.
 node[[r]]$nqx   *  # of unique quantified variables.
 node[[r]]$valxj *  The set of factor levels of categorical variable j
                      to be classified as left from this node.
 node[[r]]$valxjR *  The set of factor levels of categorical variable j
                      to be classified as right from this node.
 node[[r]]$score    The nobs weighted impurity measure.
 node[[r]]$ImpMeasure score / nobs.
 node[[r]]$scoreimp The improvement of impurity measure due to dividing
                      this node.
 node[[r]]$impfuncname Name of the impurity measure.
 node[[r]]$depth    The distance from the top node
 node[[r]]$Left  *  The left node name
 node[[r]]$Right *  The right node name

 node[[r]]$switched = 1 when left and right were swiched.

 node[[r]]$yhat  ** The predicted value
 node[[r]]$prob  ** The post probability vector

 * Not included in the final nodes.
 ** Not included in the middle nodes.

fimport: Feature Importance

Tab: Cross Table
margin: Marginal Frequency
cor: Correlation Coefficient between continuous y and yhat.
Gini: gini coefficient
mllh: minus log multinomial likelihood
nparam: # of parameters estimated
aic and bic:
tprecision: total precision
macroF1 and weightedF1: macro F1 statistics (unweighted and weighted)
SCT: a matrix of accuracy, precision, recall, specificity, and F1-score
    for each levels of the criterion.

args: list of arguments to DecTree function.
title: title string generated in DecTree function.

y:  input
yhat: predicted value of y
prob: probability vector
Node: node number

RNGkind: The name of randon mumber generator
.R.sM: The random number seed used for majestic.


Joe Suzuki (2020) Statistical Machine Learning with 100 Math and R Problems. Kyoritsu Shuppan.


# univariate regression tree;
# numerical y and numerical X
X <- data.frame(x=univar$x)
plot( univar$x, univar$y1, type="p" )
res01 <- DecTree( univar$y1,X, minnobs=1, eps=0.001
, print=3, plot=0, app=0, title="y1" )
# library(igraph)
# plot_dt(res01$node)

# categorical y and continuous X
res02 <- DecTree( as.factor(univar$y1),X, minnobs=1, eps=0.001, maxncut=100
                 , print=3, plot=0,, app=0, title="y1" )

# categorical y and categorical X: (method 1 and 2 are not available)
Xc <- data.frame(x=as.factor(univar$x))
res03 <- DecTree( as.factor(univar$y1),Xc, minnobs=1, eps=0.001, method=3
                 , print=3, plot=0,, app=0, title="y1" )
res04 <- DecTree( as.factor(univar$y1),Xc, minnobs=1, eps=0.001, method=4
                 , print=3, plot=0,, app=0, title="y1" )

# bivariate classification tree
# categorical y, categorical X
SQ2=matrix(square$class4, 4,, byrow=1)
heatmap( SQ2, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, reorderfun=NA, symm=1
       , labRow=1:4, labCol=1:4 )
Xc <- data.frame(x1=as.factor(square$x1),x2=as.factor(square$x2))
res0 <- DecTree( square$Class4, Xc, maxdepth=4, method=0, print=3
            , plot=0, title="square: categorical y, categorical X" )

res1 <- DecTree( square$Class4, Xc, maxdepth=4, method=1, print=3
            , plot=0, title="square: categorical y, categorical X" )

# categorical y, categorical X
res2 <- DecTree( square$Class4, Xc, maxdepth=4, method=2, print=3
          , plot=0, title="square: categorical y, categorical X" )

# categorical y, categorical X
res3 <- DecTree( square$Class4, Xc, maxdepth=4, method=3, print=3
         , plot=0, title="square: categorical y, categorical X" )

# categorical y, categorical X
res4 <- DecTree( square$Class4, Xc, maxdepth=4, method=4, print=3
         , plot=0, title="square: categorical y, categorical X" )

# categorical y, categorical X: all possible partitions of x levels
res11 <- DecTree( square$Class4, Xc, maxdepth=4, eps=0, app=1, print=3
                 , plot=0, title="square: categorical y, categorical X" )

# categorical y, categorical X: all possible partitions of x levels
res12 <- DecTree( square$Class4, Xc,maxdepth=4, eps=0, app=9, print=3
                , plot=0, title="square: categorical y, categorical X" )

# categorical y, numerical X
X <- data.frame(x1=square$x1,x2=square$x2)
res21 <- DecTree( square$Class4, X, minnobs = 2, eps=0, print=3, plot=0
                   , title="square: categorical y, numerical X" )
plot2d_dt( square$Class4, X, res21$node, ngrid=50, title="Border Lines" )

# numerical y, numerical X
res22 <- DecTree( square$class4, X, minnobs=2, eps=0, print=3, plot=0
                 , title="square: numerical y, numerical X" )

# slightly larger data
# categorical y, categorical X
Xc <- data.frame(x1=as.factor(square2$x1),x2=as.factor(square2$x2))
res31 <- DecTree( as.factor(square2$y), Xc, minnobs=50, eps=0.0001
                 , print=3, maxdepth=50, plot=0, app=9
                 , title="square: categorical y, categorical X" )

# categorical y, categorical X
Xc <- data.frame(x1=as.factor(square2$x1),x2=as.factor(square2$x2))
res32 <- DecTree( as.factor(square2$y), Xc, minnobs=50, eps=0.0001
                 , print=3, maxdepth=50, plot=0, app=0, method=4
                 , title="square: categorical y, categorical X" )

# iris data
Species <- iris$Species
levels(Species) <- c("set","ver","vir")
ncaty <- 3; ncatX <- rep(0,4)
resI1 <- DecTree( Species, iris[,1:4], eps=1e-5
                   , title="rect: categorical y, continuous X", plot=0  )

# iris: categorical y, mixed X
Species <- iris$Species
levels(Species) <- c("set","ver","vir")
Xc <- iris[,-5]
Xc[,3] <- cut(Xc[,3],9, labels=1:9)
Xc[,4] <- cut(Xc[,4],9, labels=1:9)
ncaty <- 3; ncatX <- c(0,0,8,8)
resI2 <- DecTree( Species, Xc, eps=1e-5, app=1
                  , title="iris: categorical y, mixed X", plot=0  )
resI3 <- DecTree( Species, Xc, eps=1e-5, app=0, method=1
                  , title="iris: categorical y, mixed X", plot=0  )
resI4 <- DecTree( Species, Xc, eps=1e-5, app=0, method=3
                  , title="iris: categorical y, mixed X", plot=0  )
resI5 <- DecTree( Species, Xc, eps=1e-5, app=0, method=4
                  , title="iris: categorical y, mixed X", plot=0  )

[Package lazy.tree version 0.1.5 ]