mlsreg {lazy.stat}R Documentation

Monotone Least Squares Regression of y on x


Optimal Scaling of y according to x or Isotonic Regression of y on x.
Find yhat which minimizes
rss = sum( w * (y - yhat(x))^2 )
subject to that the order of yhat(x) is equal to that of x,
where w is the observation weight.


  x = 1:min(length(y), nrow(y)),
  w = 1,
  method = 4,
  plot = 0,
  print = 0,
  colvec = 0,
  outG = 0



criterion variable


regressor variable in nominal, ordinal, or interval scale.


optional weight vector


= 1 when x is continuous nominal
= 2 when x is discrete nominal (Fisher)
= 3 when x is continuous ordinal (SAS opscal with untie)
= 4 when x is discrete ordinal (SAS opscal or R isoreg)
= 5 when x is interval (linear regression of y on x)
= 6 when x is ratio (linear regression of y on x w/o intercept)


= 1 to plot the result.


= 1 to print the result.


= 1 to make the result a column vector.


= 1 to return the design matrix when method <= 4.


This program finds yhat(x) which minimizes:
rss = sum( w * (y - yhat(x))^2 )
where yhat(x) is the optimal transformation of x
under the scale level assumption specified by method.

method = 4 is equivalent to R's isoreg function.

Note that, yhat can be calculated as
if we know which observations are to be averaged.

For regressing binary criterion variable (freq,n) on x, use mbinreg.


yhat The fitted value as a function of x.
G The design matrix to calculate yhat as yhat=G%*%solve(t(G)%*%(w*G))%*%t(G)%*%(w*y) when outG=1 and method <= 4.


Kruskal, J. B. (1964) Nonmetric multidimensional scaling: A numerical method. Psychometrika, vol. 29. pp115-129.

de Leeuw, J. (1977) Correctness of Kruskal's algorithm for monotone regression with ties. Psychometrika, vol. 42. pp141-144.


n <- 20
x <- floor(10*runif(n))
y <- 10*runif(n)+1.5*x
yhat1 <- mlsreg( y,x, method=1, print=1, plot=1 )
yhat2 <- mlsreg( y,x, method=2, print=1, plot=1 )
yhat3 <- mlsreg( y,x, method=3, print=1, plot=1 )
yhat4 <- mlsreg( y,x, method=4, print=1, plot=1 )
yhat5 <- mlsreg( y,x, method=5, print=1, plot=1 )
yhat6 <- mlsreg( y,x, method=6, print=1, plot=1 )

# weighted monotone regression
w <- rep(c(1,9),n/2)
yhat33 <- mlsreg( y,x, w, method=3, print=1 )
yhat44 <- mlsreg( y,x, w, method=4, print=1 )
yhat55 <- mlsreg( y,x, w, method=5, print=1 )

# yhat from G matrix
res <- mlsreg( y,x, method=4, print=1, outG=1 )
yhat <- res$yhat
G <- res$G
yfromG <- G%*%solve(t(G)%*%G)%*%t(G)%*%y
Print(yhat,yfromG, yhat-yfromG)

# monotone spline
res <- spreg( y,x, type="m", nknots=2, plot=1, print=1 )

[Package lazy.stat version 0.1.4 Index]