Simulating SAS Estimable Functions for lazy boys and girls.

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Documentation for package ‘lazy.sasef’ version 0.1.4

Help Pages

calc_ss Calculation of SS associated with SAS Estimable Functions
calc_ss_r Calculation of SS associated with SAS Estimable Functions using Reduction notation
change_enames Change effect names of the design matrix
compef Comparison of Two Different Parametrization of a Linear Model
db23 Balanced 2 x 3 Factorial Design
db232 Balanced 2 x 3 x 2 Factorial Design
design_mat Generation of Various Design Matrices
du23 Unbalanced 2 x 3 Factorial Design
du232 Unbalanced 2 x 3 x 2 Factorial Design
get_design_info Get various information of the design matrix
get_design_subset Get a subset of design matrix
lazy.sasef lazy.sasef: Simulating SAS Estimable Functions for lazy boys and girls
printef Print the SAS Estimable Functions in SAS Format
sasef Calculation of SAS Estimable Functions
sasefg General Form of SAS Estimable Functions
sasef_I SAS Estimable Functions of Type I
sasef_II SAS Estimable Functions of Type II
sasef_III SAS Estimable Functions of Type III
sasss Calculation of SS associated with SAS Estimable Functions