lazy.mat {lazy.mat} | R Documentation |
This package provides the following categories of functions:
basis: Generate the Standard Basis Vector
b_diag: Makes a Block Diagonal Matrix from the Arguments. of the first one, or vice versa.
Diag: Diag(x) creats a diagonam matrix from its argument vector or matrix.
matSwp: Matrix Sweep Operator
Ginv: Generalized Inverse.
chkginv: Check if the the second matrix is a generalized inverse
interleave: Interleaves the columns of two matrices.
pmat: Generate a permutation matrix to switch row or column.
Kmat: Generate a commutation matrix to convert vec(A)
to vec(t(A))
repmat: Stack a matrix n times either horizontally or vertically.
ssq: Returns the doubly weighted sum of squares of all the elements of A.
tr: trace of the input matrix.
transp: Transpose each matrix contained in a list/array/syupermatrix.
P: Orthogonal Projection Matrix
Q: Orthogonal Projection Matrix to the Orthogonal Complement
vec: Vectorization of a matrix.
vecdiag: Returns diagonal elements of A as a vector.
vech: Vectorization of the lower or upper half of a square matrix.
vechindex: Returns the index to convert vech(Mat) to Mat and vice versa.
vechinv: Recover the Symmetric Matrix from its lower or upper half elements stored in a vector created by vech function.
vecvecindex: Returns the index to convert vec(Mat) to vec(t(Mat))
and vice versa.
matindex: Returns the index to convert vec(mat) to vec(t(mat)), etc. This is the general version of the index functions listed above.
a2l: Convert array to list.
a2m: Convert array to supermatrix.
l2a: Convert list to array.
m2a: Convert supermatrix to array.
getSM: Extract a submatrix from a supermatrix.
modSM<-: Assign values to the submatrix of a supermatrix.
supermat: Declare a supermatrix with SMdim attribute.
Printb: Print a supermatrix with separator (
Mh2Mv: Convert a horizontally stacked supermatrix to a vertially stacked one.
Mv2Mh: Convert a vertically stacked supermatrix to a horizontally stacked one.
ABtoAB: Linear Constraints Matrices: from (A, d) and (B, c) to (AA,dd,EE,gg) and (BB,cc).
AtoB: Linear Constraints Matrices: form A to form B conversion.
BtoA: Linear Constraints Matrices: form B to form A conversion.
QRGS: QR decomposition of X matrix by the Gram Schmidt. orthogonalization or Finding non redundant columns of X.
JacobianMat: Numerical Evaluation of Jacobian of a Function.
NR: Nweton-Raphson Method.
GN: Gauss-Newton Method.
ExamplesOfGNNR: Some Examples NR or GN.
Integrate: Numerical Integration of a Function.
pathdist: Calculation of Path Distance.