paramCal2 {lazy.irtx}R Documentation

Small Item Parameter Data Frame for Testing cala and calr #2.


This data frame contains three sets of estimated item parameters of various types of items distributed across three test forms.
The item parameters were estimated independently for each form.




A data frame with 40 rows and 8 variables.
Basically, the structure is the same as the parameter data frame
except that the first column containing the form name is added.


character: Form name


character: Item name


character: Item type


num: # of categories: 2 for binary items


num: First item parameter: slope


num: 2nd item parameter


num: 3rd item parameter


gfid name type ncat p1 p2 p3 p4
form1 QB1 B2 2 1.0000000 -1.00000000 0.0000000 NA
form1 QB2 B2 2 1.0000000 0.00000000 0.3000000 NA
form1 QB4 B3 2 0.8000000 1.00000000 0.2000000 NA
form1 QG1 G 3 1.0000000 -2.00000000 0.0000000 NA
form1 QG2 G 3 1.0000000 -1.00000000 1.0000000 NA
form1 QG3 G 3 1.0000000 0.00000000 2.0000000 NA
form1 QG4 G 3 0.7000000 -3.00000000 1.0000000 NA
form1 QG5 G 3 0.7000000 -2.00000000 2.0000000 NA
form1 QG6 G 3 0.7000000 -1.00000000 3.0000000 NA
form1 QG8 G 4 0.7000000 -2.00000000 0.0000000 2.000000
form1 QP1 P 3 0.7344000 -2.11500000 0.0530000 NA
form1 QP2 P 3 0.8020000 -0.99850000 0.9985000 NA
form1 QP3 P 3 0.8237000 0.07900000 1.8952000 NA
form1 QP4 P 3 0.5998000 -3.19340000 1.1550000 NA
form1 QP5 P 3 0.6258000 -2.10710000 2.1071000 NA
form1 QP6 P 3 0.6319000 -1.05120000 3.0354000 NA
form1 QP7 P 4 0.6483000 -2.33070000 0.2053000 2.125400
form2 QB1 B2 2 0.9736860 -2.50974572 0.0000000 NA
form2 QB3 B3 2 0.7560111 0.25955944 0.2991986 NA
form2 QG1 G 3 0.7700730 -3.85306557 -1.1357144 NA
form2 QG3 G 3 1.0288158 -1.12433239 1.4054329 NA
form2 QG5 G 3 0.8033210 -3.74832196 1.5112735 NA
form2 QG7 G 4 0.9167175 -3.81423155 -1.1428328 1.613180
form2 QP1 P 3 0.7256544 -4.10048328 -1.2231697 NA
form2 QP3 P 3 0.6181345 -1.06795481 1.0809555 NA
form2 QP5 P 3 0.5632958 -3.93255199 1.3176705 NA
form2 QP7 P 4 0.5277231 -4.28903421 -0.7262809 1.149967
form2 QB2 B2 2 0.9845137 -1.15960242 0.3000000 NA
form2 QG2 G 3 0.9434385 -2.55422669 0.2331392 NA
form3 QB2 B2 2 1.5268054 1.01997505 0.3000000 NA
form3 QB4 B3 2 1.3534871 1.58018603 0.4643032 NA
form3 QG2 G 3 1.5803144 0.16910510 1.5452752 NA
form3 QG4 G 3 1.1897892 -1.44156820 1.6082322 NA
form3 QG6 G 3 0.9773134 0.18749580 3.2815727 NA
form3 QG8 G 4 1.2314105 -0.73990378 1.0218542 2.315625
form3 QP2 P 3 1.1810182 0.04046525 1.5351101 NA
form3 QP4 P 3 0.9534385 -1.49477547 1.6427269 NA
form3 QP6 P 3 1.0670629 0.07743022 3.4615809 NA
form3 QP8 P 4 0.6973531 -0.56943438 0.9358040 2.118880
form3 QB1 B2 2 1.6124478 0.09865741 0.0000000 NA


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[Package lazy.irtx version 1.0.1 Index]