Some useful factor analytic functions for lazy boys and girls

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Documentation for package ‘lazy.fa’ version 0.1.4

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cfa Simple Iterative Solution of Confirmatory Factor Analysis 'Sigma = Lambda %*% Phi %*% t(Lambda) + Psi' with Prescribed Zeros in Lambda.
critOB The criterion for Oblique rotation
critOBPR The criterion for Oblique Procrustes rotation with prescribed factor correlation R
critOBR The criterion for Oblique rotation with prescribed factor correlation R
critOBR2 crit for Oblique rotation with fixed R with normalization
efa Simple Iterative Solution of Exploratory Factor Analysis
est_disp Constrained ML Estimation of Normal Dispersion Matrix
fa_hs ML/LS Solution of Factor Analysis with Homoschedastic Error 'Sigma = Lambda %*% t(Lambda) + psi diag(c)'
gendatafa_A Generate Simple Structure Factor Pattern
lazy.fa lazy.fa: Some factor analytic functions for lazy boys and girls.
LSLS crit for Lorenzo-Seva rotation
LS_index Lorenzo-Seva Loading Simplicity Index
normalize_fa Normalization of F and A in PCA of FA model
obliminR crit for oblimin rotation with fixed R
obliqueR Planar Oblique Rotation with grid search of optimal rho.
orthomax The orthomax criterion
orthomaxR The Orthomax criterion for the Oblique rotation with prescribed factor correlation R
pca_by_als PCA by ALS
planarR Planar Rotation
ss_index Simple Structure Index
update_Ta Update Ta array containing 'T_{ij}' matrices